All personal plot and PFA requests must be submitted 30 days in advance of the next live event. Requests sent after this deadline will be considered for the next live game.

Personal Plot Requests

Personal Plot Requests (PPRs) are narrative arcs to help your character achieve a personal goal. Perhaps your character found an interesting hook that they wanted to pursue, or maybe they want to tie up loose ends in their backstory - these are the types of things that a PPR can be used to address!

Any local player may submit a PPR, but players are limited to submitting only one (1) PPR per event.

PPRs are meant to have narrative motivations and are not to be used purely for economic gain. You and the Experience Designer will be primarily working towards telling an interesting story in service of your character’s goal - you may be asked to workshop your PPR if its contents do not reflect this.

Professional Focus Achievements

Professional Focus Achievements (PFAs) are ranks of achievement associated with certain skills your character can perform. They represent your character’s proficiency in that skill and grant additional abilities with certain items. PFA plots are narrative arcs to help your character achieve a professional goal. This plot is not intended to determine if a character is “worthy” of the achievement; instead, it’s a way to provide story to make the achievement more enjoyable.

Players will spend 10 experience points at the conclusion of the arc to add the PFA to their sheet.

PFAs have three (3) additional prerequisites before a player can submit a request. Please refer to p.137-145 of the Core Rulebook for important additional details.

  1. The player must first have expended 100 experience points on the character.

  2. The player must also have relevant skills at least at the Proficient level on the character.

  3. The player must be a member of the Dystopia Rising community in good standing without any current corrective actions on their character sheet.

Any local player that fulfills these prerequisites may submit a PFA request. Players must wait a minimum of six (6) months between when they earn a PFA and the next time they can submit a plot request for a second PFA. There is no limit to the number of PFAs a player may have.

Submitting Your Request

Please fill out the following form to begin the process of your plot request. Due to the nature of event preparations, we ask that you give at lease one (1) month advanced notice to when you would like your plot to begin. This will give the Experience Designer more time to craft your plot for the event.

Note that all plot requests are designed for multiple characters to engage with, though they are still primarily written in service of the requesting player’s goals.